
Showing posts from 2019

Terminal Hacked - Tips and Tricks Part 2

 This article is a continuation of the previous article Terminal Hacked - Tips and Tricks. Click me to view Previous Article. In this blog article, we are going to see some simple tricks for using terminal efficiently. To execute the command from history !# where the hash is the command entry in the history To rev a string(word) rev command comes handy rev   To find factorial use factor number To find the location of the file use locate locate fileName.extension To see the files in the background bg To go to the background file fg Shred is similar to delete but completely destroy the file while delete cuts the link of the file to the location but the file can be recovered.It overwrites the file with 0 and ones as we command. To shred a file completely which makes it difficult to recover. shred filename    v - Verbose (To display the process in words)  n - Overwrite n times  u - Truncate and remove the fi...