Steps to Install freeRADIUS without DB in Ubuntu
RADIUS stands for Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service is a networking protocol used for authentication, authorization, and accounting commonly referred to as AAA solution. RADIUS is generally used for authenticating network devices such as routers, ...
freeRADIUS is a software which implements RADIUS protocol.
Steps to install freeRADIUS
freeRADIUS can be installed in two way with or without database module. In this article we will follow steps to install freeRADIUS without any additional database.
Step 1: Install Radius
sudo apt-get install freeradius
Once installation is complete use the below command to check freeradius status
sudo service freeradius status
Step 2 : NAS (Ignore this step for localhost authentication)
A Network Access Server aka NAS, entry for the server must be added to allow authentication from the server.
By default localhost is added with secret testing123.
In case you need to test authentication from server other than the installed setup NAS entry must be added.
vim /etc/freeradius/3.0/clients.conf
Add the below entry
client myserver {
ipaddr =
secret = MySecret@876
Save the file and restart is necessary for the changes to apply.
sudo service freeradius restart
Step 3 : Create User
By default no user is provided. Therefore it is mandatory to create user to test authentication.
Edit the file
vim /etc/freeradius/3.0/users
Un-Comment the below lines
#bob Cleartext-Password := "hello"
# Reply-Message := "Hello, %{User-Name}"
Restart radius to reflect the changes
sudo service freeradius restart
Step 4 : Authenticate User
Command syntax
radtest {username} {password} {hostname} {port} {radius_secret}
radtest bob hello localhost 1813 testing123
Radius Responses
- Access-Accept : for successful authentication
- Access-Reject : for failed authentication
- Access-Challange : for 2FA (will be explained in separate tutorial)
Successful authentication :
Failed authentication :
Authentication with custom NAS
To check log
less /var/log/freeradius/radius.log
To start radius in debug mode
sudo freeradius -X
To stop radius
sudo service freeradius stop
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