Send photo to email when entering wrong password
Step 1 : Prerequisites installation (Optional if available) ffmpeg (Photo app) s-nail (Mail app) For more ways to take picture refer this article . $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install ffmpeg s-nail Step 2 : Create App password from google account Check this to create app passwords. Step 3 : Change the email and password(App password) in the script Create file sudo nano /usr/local/bin/takepic filename=`date +%s` ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -s vga -i /dev/video0 -vframes 1 /tmp/$filename.jpg echo ' ALERT Usage detected:' `date` `who` | s-nail -a /tmp/$filename -S smtp-use-starttls -S ssl-verify=ignore -S smtp-auth=login -S smtp=smtp:// -S from=" username" -S -S smtp-auth-password= ashalkshalkhsbzxn -S ssl-verify=ignore -s "LOGIN ALERT" -v " tousername" exit 0 Save and close. $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/takepic Step 4 : Change the pam.d Backup the original file $ sudo cp...