Is your password exposed?
To check your password is leaked in any event of data breach.
Click here.
What not to do
- Don't create easy passwords such as
- Name
- Mobile number
- Pet name
- Date of birth
- 123456 ,.. etc
- Avoid using words with any meaning to prevent dictionary attack.
- Avoid recycling password.
How to create secure passwords
- No password is unbreakable, longer it takes to crack better it is.
- You can use song lyrics with upper and lower case mixing or first or second letter of the each word in the song.
- The club isn't the best place to find a lover
- tCiTbPtFaL
- t1C2i3T4b5P6t7F8a9L
- t3C4i4T3b4 ( starting letter with word count )
- hLStElOi O( second letter )
- You can use sentences or phrases or Quotes and convert it similar to song.
- You can use next letter in keyboard to the word you want for (G) to use
it can be a key left(F) or right(H). But don't create left and right
randomly, so u can memorize easily.
- Use as much characters as possible
- Use combination of number, alphabets and symbols which decreases the likely hood of cracking your password.
- Use password generators like wolframalpha. (it not only generates passwords but also show the time taken to crack the generated password)
- You can use password managers which I don't personally like.
If you want to know how to memorize passwords please comment!
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