Git Intro and Installation on Ubuntu in 2 simple steps

Git - CG

What is a version control system? 

VCS or Version Control System is similar to history which records events happened on a particular date (June 29, 2007 - First iPhone launch) where as VCS record events happened on a particular revision/commit (commit id - files updated).

VCS Tools:

  • Git
  • Subversion (SVN)
  • Concurrent Versions System (CVS)

Distributed VCS

When you checkout a repository  instead of getting only the tip of the source it actually clones the entire repository.

So basically each copy of repo itself a backup of central repository.

In case of failure of central repo you can create a new repo a push your copy to the central repo. (which is considering you are in sync with central repo)

What is Git ?

Git is

  • Distributed version control system
  • free and open source
  • used by almost all companies (Google, Facebook, Microsoft, ...)
  • a must know tool for developers

Steps 1 : Update package manager

$ sudo apt update

Step 2 : Install git

$ sudo apt install git-all 

Bonus tips

To Check version:

$ git --version

To configure commit username and email 

$ git config --global "Name"

$ git config --global ""

Git can also be used with third party GUI other than command line.

  • Git kraken
  • Source tree 
are some of git GUI's available.


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