
Showing posts from October, 2020

Send photo to email when entering wrong password

Step 1 : Prerequisites installation (Optional if available) ffmpeg (Photo app) s-nail  (Mail app) For more ways to take picture refer this article . $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install ffmpeg s-nail Step 2 : Create App password from google account Check this to create app passwords. Step 3 : Change the email and password(App password) in the script Create file sudo nano /usr/local/bin/takepic filename=`date +%s` ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -s vga -i /dev/video0 -vframes 1 /tmp/$filename.jpg echo ' ALERT Usage detected:'  `date` `who` | s-nail -a /tmp/$filename -S smtp-use-starttls -S ssl-verify=ignore -S smtp-auth=login -S smtp=smtp:// -S from=" username" -S -S smtp-auth-password= ashalkshalkhsbzxn -S ssl-verify=ignore  -s "LOGIN ALERT" -v " tousername" exit 0  Save and close. $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/takepic Step 4 : Change the pam.d Backup the original file $ sudo cp...

Elemental Skills required by Programmers

 Qualities required by the programmers  Memory Observation Critical Thinking KISS Principal Learn, Unlearn, Relearn Frugality I have only listed out the skills needed for problem solving, skills like team work, communication, .., etc are not discussed but equally important. Memory Memory plays an important role in increasing the productivity of development.  When we search internet it may seem like we doesn't spend much time. According to several reports employees spend up to 30 % time searching for information.  On avg I spend 5 to 30 mins searching for answers depending on the problem.  But it doesn't mean you should memorize everything. Try to memorize things you use often. Which will definitely save a lot of time. There is another problem with memorizing is it creates Einstellung . Which is a mental block or mind set which we cannot think past. Observation  Observation also plays an important role in programming. We have go through all the lines of cod...

Save photos when entering wrong password in Ubuntu

Step 1 : Installing App to take photo (optional if already exists) For more ways to take picture refer this article . $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install ffmpeg Step 2 : Create script to save photos $ sudo gedit /usr/local/bin/takepic Paste the following #!/bin/bash filename=`date +%s` ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -s vga -i /dev/video0 -vframes 1 /tmp/$filename.jpg exit 0 Save and close. $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/takepic Step 3 : Configure PAM  Backup the original file $ sudo cp /etc/pam.d/common-auth /etc/pam.d/common-auth.orginal $ sudo gedit /etc/pam.d/common-auth Update auth    [success=1 default=ignore] nullok_secure To auth    [success=2 default=ignore] nullok_secure Add the following, next to the updated line auth    [default=ignore]      seteuid /usr/local/bin/takepic Then save ...

How to send mail from terminal in Ubuntu

There are multiple ways to send mail. Postfix is one of them.  Step 1: Install Postfix  $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install postfix Select Internet site.  Next, You can type any domain here. we can change it later. Step 2: Save Gmail password Create a new file $ sudo nano /etc/postfix/gpasswd     []:587 Step 3: Configure postfix $ sudo nano /etc/postfix/ Add or update the properties smtp_use_tls = yes smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtp_sasl_security_options = smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/gpasswd smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt $ sudo postmap /etc/postfix/gpasswd $ sudo systemctl restart postfix  mail -s "Subn" CC: Enter the message Press Ctrl + D to send message. That's it folks.

The Art of Debbuging

The 4W Technique From my perspective that we can solve any bugs by asking these four questions W hen W hat W here W hy When? When a bug or issue arises is the first question. In which scenario or test case does the bug occurs. First, we have to identifying the scenario. Then, confirm the scenario by repeating same case several time or similar case several time. What? What is the desired output what is the program output? Simply what is your end goal? Where?  Where is the skewing occurs from the desired path.  Where the processing input gets modified to something not intended or remains unchanged when it should have been processed.  Or In case of error, Where is the exception or error occurs? In java which class -> function -> line does the error occurs? It can be identified from error stack trace. Why? At last the most crucial part, Why it occurs ?? Why whatever happens, happens? If you find out why it occurs you can most possible solve it. If there is an exception ...

How to create strong Passwords

Is your password exposed? To check your password is leaked in any event of data breach. Click here . What not to do Don't create easy passwords such as Name Mobile number Pet name Date of birth 123456 ,.. etc Avoid using words with any meaning to prevent dictionary attack. Avoid recycling password. How to create secure passwords No password is unbreakable, longer it takes to crack better it is. You can use song lyrics with upper and lower case mixing or first or second letter of the each word in the song. The club isn't the best place to find a lover tCiTbPtFaL  t1C2i3T4b5P6t7F8a9L  t3C4i4T3b4 ( starting letter with word count ) hLStElOi O( second letter ) You can use sentences or phrases or Quotes and convert it similar to song. You can use next letter in keyboard to the word you want for (G) to use it can be a key left(F) or right(H). But don't create left and right randomly, so u can memorize easily.  Use as much characters as possible Use combination of number, alph...

How to send email on user login in ubuntu

Step 1: Go to your gmail account. Step 2: Click Manage your Google Account.   Step 3: Go to Security.  Step 4: Click App Passwords (Check 2 - step verification  is ON).   Step 5: Select App as Mail and Device as other(type anything) and click GENERATE. Step 6: Copy the generated key in the yellow box   Step 7: Update the following command with your details(frommail, tomail, copied passcode). echo ' ALERT - Root Shell Access on:'  `date` `who` | s-nail -S smtp-use-starttls -S ssl-verify=ignore -S smtp-auth=login -S smtp=smtp:// -S from="frommail" -S smtp-auth-user=frommail -S smtp-auth-password=passcode -S ssl-verify=ignore  -s "LOGIN ALERT" -v "tomail" Step 8: Open .bashrc nano .bashrc Step 9: Paste the command in step 7 in last line of the file and save it.  That's it!